Orchard Africa is an organization that I am proud to donate time and resources to. This 501(c)3 non-profit does amazing work to help South Africans meet their needs and escape the epidemics of poverty and AIDS.
Orchard: Africa has an office in Tempe, Arizona where I have had a chance to personally meet with some of the people changing the lives of others half way around the world. Looking at the Orchard Africa model, I have been blown away by their dedication, their passion to help people and their desire to effect long-term growth and prosperity for needy people. Rather than send donations as a type of band-aide or hand-out, they teach AND fund villages so that they can become self sufficient. I am happy to support Orchard: Africa because they offer a hand UP instead of just a hand OUT. Teaching, equipping and mentoring people for a brighter future, it’s an amazing way to help those less fortunate than us. I hope you will join me in supporting this awesome organization.
See this video below for a better explanation of what Orchard: Africa does. I’m proud to have a small part in the video and am so thankful they allowed me to participate.
“Helping needy and vulnerable children”
The Drum:
“We are able to send 100% of public donations to Africa because we have a group of donors who believe in our cause and are willing to donate undesignated funds. These are our most dedicated partners and we call them the ‘Drum’. The Drum money covers operating costs in the United States such as our rent and staff. The Drum also covers program related costs that take place in the United States. An example of this would be the cost of development, artwork and layout of the AIDS and other curriculum that is used in Africa. The Drum money may also be used to run projects in Africa if needed. – Orchard: Africa
In the video below, you will learn how to help this amazing organization of people willing to fight for a generation at risk of being lost to HIV and AIDS. Help us beat The Drum.