Buena Vista Ranchos

Buena Vista Ranchos:

Talk about a really cool South Tempe neighborhood! Buena Vista Ranchos consists of 150 homes averaging more than 3,500 square feet in size. The average lot size in the neighborhood is 36,034 square feet which is more than 3/4 of an acre.

This is NOT your typical “tile and stucco” neighborhood where every other home looks exactly the same. Nope, these homes have a LOT to offer, and you won’t mistake your home for your neighbor’s home.

This is a South Tempe lifestyle where convenience and community is a way of life. This neighborhood is located northeast of Rural and Warner Roads in the magical 85284 zip code.

Country Living in the City

While you can have horses at most of the homes in Buena Vista Ranchos, many people also love the community pool, baseball field, pickelball courts, playground and community horse facilities within BVR. Some of the lots aren’t really large enough for horses. Those residents may use the barn / stalls at the community facilities.

Here are a couple of photos of the stalls and the community arena. ( If you click on the photos, they will enlarge ) The grounds were recently updated and the arena, stalls, etc. are an amazing asset to this very special community.

While the horse facilities and community amenities are amazing, people love the overall lifestyle and sense of community found here. The proximity to restaurants, jobs, multiple airports. Arizona State University are all things that appeal to a very wide audience.

Buena Vista Ranchos – Amazing Tempe Location!

Take a look at this map of the area. We think you’ll LOVE the convenience of the location.

There are some amazing restaurants and shops located VERY close by. Places like Postino and Ghost Ranch are right at Rural and Warner. Close by you will also find area favorites like the Peppermill Steakhouse, Crepe Bar, Maskadores Taco Shop and so many more. Feel free to call and ask about more of our favorite places in the area!

While restaurants, shops, parks and the like are abundant, the fact that there’s multiple freeways surrounding the area can be a benefit, as well. Job centers like the ASU Research Park and the Price Road Corridor to the east and huge commercial corridors to the west are also helpful in keeping high demand for this area.

If you are thinking of buying or selling a home in this amazing South Tempe community, please feel free to contact Nick Bastian to talk about the location and lifestyle. Nick and his family live nearby and he can be reached at 602-803-6425.

The list below will show you any current homes for sale in the neighborhood along with recently sold properties.


NIck Bastian South Tempe real estate

The Nick Bastian Team – Realty Executives
2133 E Warner Rd Ste 105
Tempe, AZ 85284