Community Involvement

February 27, 2013

Cub Scout Fun at Mac’s Broiler and Tap

The annual Blue and Gold banquet is this weekend and the boys were assigned the task of finding donations for the annual Cub Scout Silent Auction fundraiser. One of our favorite restaurants near our home happens to be Mac’s Broiler and Tap.  Mac’s is an awesome family-owned neighborhood business. We’ve been fortunate to get to know the McDonnell’s over the years and felt like it would be fun to ask […]
September 18, 2012

Team Effort

I have always enjoyed being on good teams. Ever since I was a little kid playing on a soccer team that just couldn’t be beat, I have had opportunities to work with others towards a common goal. In my business today, having a solid team in place is invaluable. My life at home consists of an awesome team, as well. Most of you know me pretty well by now, and […]
March 8, 2010

Tempe Enters Google Fiber Race

Google Fiber has been making a lot of local and national headlines lately for a contest they are holding to bring high speed data to “one or more” communities. Tempe has decided they want to be that community. According to a Google Fiber web page: “We plan to test ultra-high speed broadband networks in one or more trial locations across the country. Our networks will deliver Internet speeds more than […]
February 24, 2010
I Help Homeless shelter in Tempe

Shower Power at Whole Foods in Tempe

Whole Foods in Tempe is participating in a VERY cool fundraiser today to help this year’s Tempe Leadership class raise money and awareness for their class project, Shower Power. Here’s the deal… Shop Wednesday February 24th at Whole Foods in Tempe located at 5120 S Rural ( at Baseline ) and 5% of the proceeds will benefit Shower Power. Shower Power is a project that will provide showers to homeless […]
November 9, 2009

Nick’s Annual Turkey Drive is here again!

Once again, it’s time for our (7th) annual turkey drive! On Sunday Nov. 22nd, I will be delivering turkeys to Phoenix Rescue Mission as they prepare to feed the homeless on Thanksgiving Day. I believe that many people have a desire to help others this time of year but find it difficult to do so because our lives are so busy. This year, the shelters need a LOT of help. If […]
March 17, 2009

Take a Hike!

Around here, we are always up for fun things to do! Recently, Lori and I took the boys on a “train ride” to Tempe to go hike Hayden Butte. ( “A Mountain) We all had a great time so we decided to do it again. This time, we thought we would invite some friends! Please join us Saturday, March 21st as we get together with our friends from Take A […]
November 16, 2008

Time for Nick’s Annual Turkey Drive

Once again, it’s time for our annual turkey drive! On Sunday Nov. 23rd , I will be delivering turkeys to help the Phoenix Rescue Mission feed the homeless on Thanksgiving Day. I believe that many people have a desire to help others this time of year but find it difficult to do so because our lives are so busy. This year, the need is sure to be great! If you […]
October 18, 2008

Free ASU football tickets! is giving away 2 free ASU football tickets for next Saturday’s game. All you have to do is visit the Rail Life Blog (
October 6, 2008

Tempe residents care about their community!

On Saturday, October 18th Tempe residents will participate in “G.A.I.N” night. GAIN stands for Getting Arizona Involved in Neighborhoods and is designed to heighten crime prevention awareness in neighborhoods. Lori and I will once again be joining several of our neighbors in participating in this fun event with our kids at Stroud Park in Tempe. The Camelot Village Neighborhood Association is involved and they describe the night as a partnership […]