Bad MLS photos

In real estate, we all know how important location is. We have also discussed other factors that effect sales like pricing, condition etc.

Recently, I found a really great blog from Athol, a real estate agent in Connecticut where he allows people to post bad photos from property listings. Some of these pictures are hilarious, some are kind of gross. (Like the one shown here) Kind of makes you say.. “What were they thinking!?!”

While I am not a professional photographer, I do try to take decent pictures for our listings. Taking pictures of a bathroom or a small bedroom rarely pays off. Instead, I prefer longer angles and shots across a room. Kitchens should photo well, the home should be clean, clutter should be removed, pets should not be in the photo etc. If the home has a nice lot, show people. If the pool sparkles, let them know it etc..

With most people beginning their home search on the web, it helps to have them like what they see! 🙂 As a seller, you deserve it. As a buyer, it helps you make good decisions without wasting a bunch of time.

The main thing is.. If you are Buying or Selling Real Estate.. “Just Call Nick!” and I’ll be glad to help.
Nick Bastian
Nick Bastian
Nick Bastian is a 32 year veteran of the real estate industry and enjoys his career very much. Nick is always available to "talk shop" with anyone that may have real estate related questions. "Just Call Nick" at 602-803-NICK (6425) - he's glad to help. Nick can also be found over on Instagram and Twitter ( @NickbastianAZ ) or out and about in the community making friends and having some fun.


  1. Albuquerque NM Real Estate says:

    Nick that photo is truly gross. With a digital camera there is no reason not to take plenty of photos. Just practice on your own home first if need be. Of course with bad judgment nothing will help. Good to see another agent who understands this. Hopefully we will stop seeing so many of these photos. I always wonder why the client doesn’t say something to the agent. – Ashley

  2. Nick Bastian says:

    Hi Ashley,
    It amazes me what we see out there from time to time. Have a great holiday!