PLC – 3 very important words..

Everyone knows the old saying that the three most important words in real estate are: “Location, Location, Location!” I certainly agree that location remains, and will always be a very important factor in determining the value of a property.

Over the past few years, when the market was in over drive, it appears many people forgot these three very key words and just wanted to get their hands on anything they could mortgage.

Our current market is now requiring Pricing, Location and Condition to be three words to be aware of.

For example, with the current number (high) of available properties and the current number (not as high) of buyers in the market, a home needs to be priced (very) well, in a great location and in excellent condition in order to get it sold in a reasonable amount of time.

Unfortunately, if even one of the three (price, location, condition) is not right, a home has a much harder time in our current market. Yep, the Summer selling season is upon us but buyers are picky and demanding and have every right to be. The shoe was on the other foot for a while. For tips or advise on the current market, feel free to “Just Call Nick!” at 602-803-6425. I’d be glad to help. 🙂

Nick Bastian
Nick Bastian
Nick Bastian is a 32 year veteran of the real estate industry and enjoys his career very much. Nick is always available to "talk shop" with anyone that may have real estate related questions. "Just Call Nick" at 602-803-NICK (6425) - he's glad to help. Nick can also be found over on Instagram and Twitter ( @NickbastianAZ ) or out and about in the community making friends and having some fun.

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