Time For Some Golf!

It’s early October in Arizona. If you drive around town this time of year or if you play golf at all, you’ve noticed people “scalping” their yards and over-seeding the lawn and the golf courses. While I love that it’s time to start playing more golf, the activity also tends to make me think that “snowbird season” is upon us.

Each Fall / Winter, like clockwork, people come to Arizona to enjoy the amazing weather in the Valley of the Sun and leave their snowshoes back home. For some, it makes $ense to buy a home here. While golf course homes can be in the millions of dollars, they can also be more affordable than some are aware. For instance, we currently have many golf course homes for sale in the east valley for under $250,000. Heck, there are parts of town where dozens of “affordable” golf course homes are available.

Take a look at these two examples of golf course homes that are currently for sale…

1. Johnson Ranch Golf lot: Over 3100 square feet on the Johnson Ranch golf course with 4 bedrooms, a swimming pool and a 3 car garage for just $225,000! Yes, really! Heck, the pool is even heated so that you can swim any time of the year!

Johnson Ranch golf course home

2. Augusta Ranch Golf Course Home: Nearly 2000 square feet, 4 bedrooms, huge covered patio, 2 car garage for $240,000! Absolutely gorgeous!

Augusta Ranch golf course view

Gorgeous home on the Augusta Ranch golf course

Below, you will see a list of Southeast Valley golf course homes for sale. All of these homes are priced at or below $250,000.00 Of course, we can help you find higher priced homes, too! Please give us a call at 602-803-6425 for more information about these, or any other homes for sale.

Nick Bastian
Nick Bastian
Nick Bastian is a 32 year veteran of the real estate industry and enjoys his career very much. Nick is always available to "talk shop" with anyone that may have real estate related questions. "Just Call Nick" at 602-803-NICK (6425) - he's glad to help. Nick can also be found over on Instagram and Twitter ( @NickbastianAZ ) or out and about in the community making friends and having some fun.

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