Nick Bastian

June 3, 2022
AZ Coyotes Coming to Tempe

Are The Arizona Coyotes Coming To Tempe?

Are the Arizona Coyotes coming to Tempe, AZ? There’s been a LOT of talk about the possibility of the Coyotes coming to Tempe instead of playing way over in Glendale. Heck, who remembers back in 2016 when there was a time when we thought they might be relocating to McClintock and Rio Salado on ASU owned land? Fast forward to 2022 and we know that the Coyotes will temporarily play […]
June 2, 2022
pre-qualify for a home loan

Steps to Pre-Qualify for a Home Loan

Should you pre-qualify for a home loan before looking at homes? Unless you are paying cash, the answer is yes. Buying a home can be fun and exciting. It can also be very challenging if you are not prepared. There are definite steps to preparing your finances for this process, and while it seems like a lot of work, and it can be, it will pay off when you are […]
June 1, 2022
price road corridor

What The Future Looks Like In Price Road Corridor

Chandler, AZ is home to one of the fastest-growing corporate spaces in the country. It is home to the Price Road Corridor, which houses several tech companies and provides over 40,000 jobs to the area.  It’s a region that could become another Silicon Valley, and we are seeing it ramp up at a breakneck pace. As more companies establish and expand their presence here, many wonder what the future looks […]
May 31, 2022
home buying Tempe Kyrene corridor

Busting 5 Myths About Home Buying

The first time you buy a house can be one of the most exciting and stressful times of your adult life. That said, you will hear advice that is, at best, inaccurate. But, don’t worry! We’re here to help you every step of the way. These myths about home buying can make the process more stressful than it should be, so here’s a guide to help bust some of the most […]
May 30, 2022
thoughts and prayers in Texas

Thoughts and Prayers

It seems pretty fashionable to discount “Thoughts and Prayers” these days. The people offended or put off by anyone willing to pray for someone in need often seem to think they are doing a great thing by saying things like: Your thoughts and prayers are not enough. We need more than thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and prayers don’t work. Interestingly enough, they often offer nothing more than empty, divisive words […]
December 10, 2021
sellers watching home buyers

Sellers Watching Potential Home Buyers

Are home sellers watching potential home buyers? Would that be a little creepy or do you think it is perfectly normal? Many people have different opinions about this topic. One thing is for sure, it is becoming a VERY common occurrance. Not long ago, it would be pretty uncommon for a seller to record your every move or your seemingly private conversations while you are touring their home with your […]
May 30, 2021

How It’s Always Been Done

I love the “new” narrative from so many real estate industry experts. It goes something like this: The industry is changing. Embrace it. “That’s how it’s always been done” will put you right outta business! There’s a whole bunch of people in the real estate industry who are trying to have a race to the bottom. They want to “make it easier” and “more efficient” for buyers and sellers, while […]
October 13, 2020
the market always knows the price

The Market Always Knows The Price

In good markets and bad, the market always knows the price. It always has, it always will. While the big talk in the local real estate industry continues to talk about “low inventory” and high demand, there are other people out there waiting for the big crash… I wish I had a shiny crystal ball to say exactly what the future holds for us, but I don’t. One thing that […]
August 28, 2020
Postino South Tempe patio

Postino Opening September 16th in South Tempe

It’s true! Postino is scheduled to open SOON in South Tempe! Lauren Saria at the Arizona Republic recently broke the news that Postino is finally coming to South Tempe after months of research, speculation and anticipation. Lauren tells us that the highly anticpated Postino will open on September 16th, 2020. **Update: They have decided to push that up. The new Postino will be opening on 9/14/20 at 11am. Where is […]