Nick Bastian

March 21, 2017

Home Seller Must Disclose Material Facts

It’s true… A home seller must disclose material facts when selling a home. Unfortumately, not all home sellers think it is a good idea. Heck, some of them might not really know what they have to disclose. Not knowing can be dangerous… I often wonder who people think they are trying to protect when we see agents put “No SPDS, No CLUE” in the public or private remarks of our […]
December 6, 2016

New South Tempe Restaurants Coming Soon

We will soon be seeing three new South Tempe restaurants in an area where demand has seemed to outpace supply. The Tempe Public Market Cafe, Oink Cafe and Zipps Sports Grill are all opening soon off of Warner Road. Oink and Zipps are at McClintock and Warner, and the Tempe Public Market will be opening at Rural and Warner. Maybe the biggest news is the new Tempe Public Market Cafe that’s […]
September 27, 2016
Nick Bastian Team real estate professionals

Hud Reiersgaard Joins The Nick Bastian Team

We are super excited to announce that Hud Reiersgaard has joined the Nick Bastian Team as a full service REALTOR. Hud has been involved with many aspects of the real estate business for most of his life. Here is a quick look at Hud Reiersgaard’s background: Hud began his Real Estate career working in his father’s property management company in Crested Butte, Colorado. He moved to Arizona in 1994 where he […]
August 11, 2016
Tempe First Crush Tickets

Tempe’s First Crush Charity Gala

I remember my first Crush. She was fun, elegant, had great taste in food and always looked to give back to others. Thankfully, that has never changed. If you’ve never been to the First Crush Charity Gala in Tempe, you really are missing out. ** Update: Starting in 2017, First Crush has been re-branded as Vicinity: Internationally Tempe – Please check out the new and improved event! There is a […]
June 18, 2016
Tempe Community Action Agency

Time To Take Some Action

I am super proud, humbled, excited and anxious to say that I am one of the new board members at the Tempe Community Action Agency. I have a great deal of respect for the work that the TCAA does, and I am thrilled with this opportunity to assist them in serving the needy in our community. Who is the Tempe Community Action Agency? The TCAA provides education, stability, and advocacy […]
May 27, 2016
Marcello's closing in south Tempe

What Should Replace Marcello’s In Tempe?

Marcello’s Pasta Grill has been at the southwest corner of McClintock and Warner for many years. It’s in a really great area in South Tempe where people feel like we are in need of more good restaurant choices. **Update! As of 10/18/16 it sounds like The Oink Cafe will be moving in to this space! I’m super happy to hear this as it looks like a really great place for […]
March 16, 2016

Details Do Matter

In a residential purchase contract, the details do matter… Sometimes, I am surprised by how many agents don’t pay attention to how a purchase contract works or how seemingly small details can raise questions. For example: Page 1 of our residential resale real estate purchase contract has a specific section for filling out the “Full Purchase Price” of the home and how it will be paid. For example, line 10 […]
December 27, 2015
Tempe bike lanes

Over Killed In A Tempe Bike Lane

Update: The city of Tempe will be exploring new options for McClintock Drive modifications. Please continue to let the city know how you feel about the bike lanes and let them know how you think it could be modified or brought back to how it was before this failed experiment was implemented. Update #2: 12/17/2016 –  Mayor Mitchell along with Council members Randy Keating and Robin Arredondo-Savage have been looking […]
August 1, 2015

Shutterfly Turning Heads In Tempe

Shutterfly is coming to South Tempe and they are they are turning a lot heads. For some, it’s a great move. For others, it is a problem of epic proportions. Typically, people think it’s a good thing when huge developments bring big money and a bunch of new jobs to an area. Right? In Tempe, there has been a LOT of new development and a LOT of new jobs announced […]